Scene 6: Tech Support Forum
Scene 6: Tech Support Forum DikiyobaEphesos and Dikiyoba are in the process of making energy potions. GoldenKing, Thralni, and Dintiradan are being questioned by Drakefyre and the moderators. It is difficult to get understandable answers, though, because the spelling and grammar mistakes are getting worse.
Thralni: ...adn i wasnt expcting it at al.
Kelandon sighs.
Kelandon: Ephesos, will you come over here and cast unshackle mind on Thralni? Maybe it will help.
Ephesos casts unshackle mind on Thralni.
Thralni: Dose it help nay?
Kelandon: No. Try a curing spell.
Ephesos casts a curing spell on Thralni.
Thralni: That dosent work ether, i can tel.
Thuryl: So, really, the only thing we know about this thing is that it will attack anyone it finds alone and destroy their language capabilities.
Demonslayer enters.
Demonslayer: Zephyr Tempest wants to know if there are any energy potions ready.
Dikiyoba: Dikiyoba is almost done with one.
The Silent Assassin, Lord Grimm, The Lurker, Tyranicus, Infernal666hate, Zorro, Zeviz, and Zephyr Tempest enter. Zorro looks down at the remains of Galactic Core in disbelief.
Zorro: My game... Galactic Core... it's ruined!
Drakefyre: What happened?
Zephyr Tempest: Well, we ran into a slight problem...
Drakefyre: I can see that. What is the problem?
The Lurker: Zephyr Tempest accidentally summoned a haakai, and now it's loose.
Ephesos: What!
Ephesos turns to Zephyr Tempest angrily.
Ephesos: In the name of all that is good and holy, why did you have to summon a haakai? Why?
Drakefyre: It's not worth arguing about. We just need to deal with it. Quickly.
Demonslayer: Somehow, I think I'd be good at slaying demons.
Infernal666hate: I lost the sword demonslayer in the Avernum 4 Forum. I'll see if I can find it.
Arancaytar: Wait! You shouldn't...
Infernal666hate exits.
Arancaytar: ...go out alone.
Arancaytar grabs a bow.
Arancaytar: Come on, Alorael. Let's find out if you can snipe that thing.
Arancaytar exits. Alorael grabs his sniper rifle and a few more skribbane potions and follows.
Ephesos: I'm not waiting for Infernal666hate to get back with the sword. I'm going to deal with that haakai right now.
Ephesos and Demonslayer exit.
Thralni: ...adn i wasnt expcting it at al.
Kelandon sighs.
Kelandon: Ephesos, will you come over here and cast unshackle mind on Thralni? Maybe it will help.
Ephesos casts unshackle mind on Thralni.
Thralni: Dose it help nay?
Kelandon: No. Try a curing spell.
Ephesos casts a curing spell on Thralni.
Thralni: That dosent work ether, i can tel.
Thuryl: So, really, the only thing we know about this thing is that it will attack anyone it finds alone and destroy their language capabilities.
Demonslayer enters.
Demonslayer: Zephyr Tempest wants to know if there are any energy potions ready.
Dikiyoba: Dikiyoba is almost done with one.
The Silent Assassin, Lord Grimm, The Lurker, Tyranicus, Infernal666hate, Zorro, Zeviz, and Zephyr Tempest enter. Zorro looks down at the remains of Galactic Core in disbelief.
Zorro: My game... Galactic Core... it's ruined!
Drakefyre: What happened?
Zephyr Tempest: Well, we ran into a slight problem...
Drakefyre: I can see that. What is the problem?
The Lurker: Zephyr Tempest accidentally summoned a haakai, and now it's loose.
Ephesos: What!
Ephesos turns to Zephyr Tempest angrily.
Ephesos: In the name of all that is good and holy, why did you have to summon a haakai? Why?
Drakefyre: It's not worth arguing about. We just need to deal with it. Quickly.
Demonslayer: Somehow, I think I'd be good at slaying demons.
Infernal666hate: I lost the sword demonslayer in the Avernum 4 Forum. I'll see if I can find it.
Arancaytar: Wait! You shouldn't...
Infernal666hate exits.
Arancaytar: ...go out alone.
Arancaytar grabs a bow.
Arancaytar: Come on, Alorael. Let's find out if you can snipe that thing.
Arancaytar exits. Alorael grabs his sniper rifle and a few more skribbane potions and follows.
Ephesos: I'm not waiting for Infernal666hate to get back with the sword. I'm going to deal with that haakai right now.
Ephesos and Demonslayer exit.