Scene 3: Avernum 4 Forum

Scene 3: Avernum 4 Forum Dikiyoba
Nikki, Sir David, Stew Boy, and Tyranicus are still searching the Avernum 4 Forum.

Nikki: Nothing. We've probably been searching for hours and we haven't seen the thing since it attacked Sir David.

Stew Boy: Actually, we didn't see it then, either.

There is a scuttling noise from behind them. Tyranicus whirls around with his bow held ready.

Tyranicus: Who's there?

Filth Finder: It's just me and Garbage Gatherer.

Tyranicus puts his bow away. Sir David holds up his flaming sword in an attempt to get some light on them. The two GIFTC simply scuttle further back into the shadows.

Nikki: What are you doing here?

Garabage Gatherer: We've come to tell you that you won't defeat the thing this way. In fact, if you were to meet the thing now, it would defeat you.

Tyranicus: Are we supposed to do nothing, then?

Filth Finder: No, of course not.

Stew Boy: So, how do we defeat the thing?

Garbage Gatherer: I don't know. I trust that you will find a way, but this isn't it. Well, we've said what we wanted to say. Goodbye and good luck!

Filth Finder and Garbage Gatherer scuttle away.

Tyranicus: That was odd.

Nikki: Yes, very odd.

Sir David: |\|0\/\/ \/\/|-|47?

Stew Boy: Perhaps we should find Drakefyre and the other group and see what they think?

Tyranicus: It can't hurt.

Nikki: But... well, okay, I suppose so.

On the main level, Wonko the Sane and Kingy enter. They practically bump into Infernal666hate.

Infernal666hate: Lock watt eye hovel!

Infernal666hate holds up the newly reforged demonslayer.

Kingy: Wow. You did that yourself?

Infernal666hate: Yet.

Wonko the Sane: Now what are you going to do?

Infernal666hate: Eye doughnut no. Rejoice then Othello, eye surprise.

Wonko the Sane: Have you seen GoldenKing around here? I think he has Alorael's skribbane.

Infernal666hate: Yet. His it then Jeansforce Foreman.

Kingy: Thanks.

Kingy and Wonko the Sane exit into the Geneforge Forum. Infernal666hate exits into the Announcements Forum. A few moments later, Nikki, Tyranicus, Stew Boy, and Sir David climb up to the main level and exit into the Geneforge Series Forum.