Scene 5: Tech Support Forum

Scene 5: Tech Support Forum Dikiyoba
The Tech Support Forum has been transformed into an infirmary for wounded members. Ephesos seems to be in charge. Schrodinger is also there, writing a guide on the different ways to treat injuries. Delicious Vlish and Thralni are also present.

Ephesos: How are you doing, Delicious Vlish?

Delicious Vlish has two of his tentacles wrapped in bandages.

Delicious Vlish: Silly 1337 h4x0r stepped on my tentacles. But I killed it. And my tentacles are much better now.

Ephesos: Good. Are you ready to leave?

Delicious Vlish: Yes. I must go out and teach the silly noobs a painful lesson.

Delicious Vlish exits.

Ephesos: Now, what’s the matter with you, Thralni?

Thralni: I was flying out of the SubTerra Forum during the retreat. When I started to come down, I landed on a noob and broke my arm on its thick skull.

Ephesos casts a healing spell on Thralni's arm. It heals instantly.

Thralni: Thanks, Ephesos. I'm going back to the battle now.

Thralni exits. Dintiradan and Dikiyoba enter with Lenar Labs.

Ephesos: Put him on the bed. What happened to him?

Dintiradan: The Silent Assassin was killed and Lenar Labs went into shock.

Ephesos: Well, there's nothing I can do. Leave him here and we'll let him recover.

Dintiradan: Isn't there something you can do? You know, like cast unshackle mind or something?

Ephesos: It doesn’t work on grief. Now, please leave.

Dikiyoba: Right, Ephesos.

Dintiradan and Dikiyoba exit.