Scene 2: Tech Support Forum
Scene 2: Tech Support Forum DikiyobaWithout the Moderator Boards and with the Announcements Forum the next forum to be attacked, the surviving moderators are meeting in the Tech Support Forum.
Saunders: Has anyone seen Arancaytar?
Imban: He's still in the Avernum 4 Forum.
Kelandon: Theirs nothing we can do to help him or anyone else stuck in the Avernum 4 Forum. We have to defend the remaining forums now.
Saunders: In the General Forum, there are plenty of cans of spam. They would make good projectiles. And, if worst comes to worst, we can release the fluffy turtles.
Khoth: I don't see how we could even defend the Announcements Forum. Without an administrator, there's nothing we can do in it.
Imban: We could always put copies of the Code of Conduct everywhere.
Khoth: How will that help?
Imban: The Code of Conduct always trips noobs up.
Kelandon: Yes, and than I can ban them.
Saunders: You can't ban anyone!
Kelandon: I've been able to do it ever since Drakefyre gave me my new custom title. Me and Khoth will go prepare the Announcements Forum.
Khoth and Kelandon exit.
Saunders: I guess that means we're in charge of the General Forum?
Imban: Yes. The Tech Support Forum will have to take care of itself.
Imban and Saunders exit.
Saunders: Has anyone seen Arancaytar?
Imban: He's still in the Avernum 4 Forum.
Kelandon: Theirs nothing we can do to help him or anyone else stuck in the Avernum 4 Forum. We have to defend the remaining forums now.
Saunders: In the General Forum, there are plenty of cans of spam. They would make good projectiles. And, if worst comes to worst, we can release the fluffy turtles.
Khoth: I don't see how we could even defend the Announcements Forum. Without an administrator, there's nothing we can do in it.
Imban: We could always put copies of the Code of Conduct everywhere.
Khoth: How will that help?
Imban: The Code of Conduct always trips noobs up.
Kelandon: Yes, and than I can ban them.
Saunders: You can't ban anyone!
Kelandon: I've been able to do it ever since Drakefyre gave me my new custom title. Me and Khoth will go prepare the Announcements Forum.
Khoth and Kelandon exit.
Saunders: I guess that means we're in charge of the General Forum?
Imban: Yes. The Tech Support Forum will have to take care of itself.
Imban and Saunders exit.