Scene 4: Tech Support Forum
Scene 4: Tech Support Forum
With all the Spiderwebbers working hard (or most of them, anyway), the Tech Support Forum is already mostly cleaned up. Suddenly, Ephesos, Dikiyoba, GoldenKing, and Dintiradan enter.
Ephesos: Has anyone seen anything odd in the game forums?
Thralni: You mean the thing? I saw it two.
Kelandon: Too, Thralni, not two. What did this thing look like?
GoldenKing: It was comlpetly imconpremsible!
Kelandon: (Mutters.) Yes, just like your sentence.
GoldenKing: So, uh, I realy dont now.
Thralni: Yes, that sounds like the thing that attaked me.
Imban: It attacked you?
Thralni: Yes, but it didnt hurt me at al.
Imban: Does anyone know anything about this thing?
The Spiderwebbers all shake their heads.
Slartucker: Wait. I think I know where to find an answer.
Slartucker starts to walk toward the General Forum.
Imban: Ask Drakefyre to join us. Maybe he knows something about the thing.
Slartucker: I'll do that.
Slartucker exits. Alorael takes another drink of skribbane potion.
Alorael: I hope the thing can be labeled a pedestrian.
Dintiradan: The thing only seems too attak those who go alone, so that might not b a good idea, Aloreal.
Alorael: Bah.
Lord Llama: wat a bunch of losers i bet we coud cach the thing
Bomber: Yeah. Since we won't be alone, the thing won't be able to hurt us. Let's go.
Lord Llama: k
Lord Llama and Bomber exit.
Ephesos: Has anyone seen anything odd in the game forums?
Thralni: You mean the thing? I saw it two.
Kelandon: Too, Thralni, not two. What did this thing look like?
GoldenKing: It was comlpetly imconpremsible!
Kelandon: (Mutters.) Yes, just like your sentence.
GoldenKing: So, uh, I realy dont now.
Thralni: Yes, that sounds like the thing that attaked me.
Imban: It attacked you?
Thralni: Yes, but it didnt hurt me at al.
Imban: Does anyone know anything about this thing?
The Spiderwebbers all shake their heads.
Slartucker: Wait. I think I know where to find an answer.
Slartucker starts to walk toward the General Forum.
Imban: Ask Drakefyre to join us. Maybe he knows something about the thing.
Slartucker: I'll do that.
Slartucker exits. Alorael takes another drink of skribbane potion.
Alorael: I hope the thing can be labeled a pedestrian.
Dintiradan: The thing only seems too attak those who go alone, so that might not b a good idea, Aloreal.
Alorael: Bah.
Lord Llama: wat a bunch of losers i bet we coud cach the thing
Bomber: Yeah. Since we won't be alone, the thing won't be able to hurt us. Let's go.
Lord Llama: k
Lord Llama and Bomber exit.